My Life, My Valentine

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Location: Malaysia

Friday, June 16, 2006


Hari nie aku pegi Phillipine National Day reception di Marriot Hotel. Antara food yg ade sushi, roast beef and chicken and fried glassnoodle - simple food je tp aku suka. Balik dr reception, aku bawak deena keluar jalan2 sebab weather cantik & bagus ari nie. Biasa la budak tu, happy je bila momi bawak jalan. Untuk dinner aku tak tau nak masak apa, plus hari nie adalah hari malas ku…hehheehehe…Maka terimalah, menu hari malas ku, sushi. Pada sesapa yg berminat nak buat sushi, nie aku share resepi sushi aku(sendiri reka nih).

Sushi Rice
1 ½ cawan beras sushi/short grain rice (kalau tak de beras biasa pon bole)
2 tablespoon rice vinegar/white vinegar
2 tablespoon gula
½ teaspoon garam

Masak nasi seperti biasa, kalau guna beras biasa lebihkan sedikit air. Panaskan vinegar, gula & garam sehingga larut. Setelah nasi masak, masukan dalam mangkuk kemudian digaul dgn larutan vinegar. Kipaskan nasi tadi hingga sejuk. (aku letak je kat bawah fan).

Untuk filling, ikut citarasa memasing…bole guna crabstick, salmon, timun, guacamole(avocado), carrot anything that u desire. Untuk yg tidak suka raw fish bole gantikan dgn ayam bakar, kalau nak sedap marinate dulu dgn teriyaki sauce, kalau tak de marinate dengan sedikit kicap & pepper aje.Semua bahan utk filling perlu di potong memanjang.

Bahan wajib ade nori(dried seaweed) dengan sushi mat utk menggulung sushi.

How to roll sushi, sila ke . Senang ade gambar cara2 nak roll sushi tu. Aku malas nak type…hehheehehe..Selamat mencuba...

Feliz Dia Papa

What Is A Dad?

A Dad is a person who is loving and kind,
And often he knows what you have on your mind.
He's someone who listens, suggests, and defends -
A dad can be one of your very best friends!
He's proud of your triumphs, but when things go wrong,
A dad can be patient and helpful and strong
In all that you do, a Dad's love plays a part -
There's always a place for him deep in your heart.
And each year that passes, you're even more glad,
More grateful and proud just to call him your dad!
Author unknown

Happy Father's Day

18 June 2006


Recipe Risoles to be share, aku dpt dr Indonesia friend kat sini. Risoles ala2 kuih ketayap tp beintikan ayam/vege. Kalau org Indonesia makannyer dengan ‘cabe rawit’(cili api) tp aku cicah cili sos aje.

Untuk Buat Kulit :
- 200 gram tepung Terigu(tepung gandum biasa)
- 450 ml Air
- 2 butir telur
- 1 sdt (teaspoon)garam
- 1 sdt merica (pepper) -kalau suka
- 2 sdm(tablespoon) margarin, lelehkan kalau tdk ada margarin bisa pakai 2 sdm minyak sayur
Untuk Bahan Isi :
- 2 siung bawang putih, cincang halus
- 100 gram ayam cincang
- 50 gram wortel (carrot)di iris tipis (kotak 1cm)
- 50 gram kentang di iris tipis (kotak 1 cm)
- 20 gram tepung terigu
- 200 ml susu cair
- 1 sdt gula
- garam dan merica secukupnya
- Minyak untuk menumis secukupnya
Bahan Pelapis :
- 2 butir telur kocok lepas
- 100 gram tepung roti (bread crumbs)

Cara membuat :
1. Buat Kulit :
Campur bahan kulit jadi satu, aduk sampai menjadi adonan yang licin. Saring bila perlu. Kemudian buat dadar tipis-tipis (dengan teplon). Lakukan sampai adonan habis.
2. Buat Isi :
Tumis bawang putih hinggá harum, lalu masukan ayam, aduk hinggá berubah warna kemudian masukan wortel aduk, dan kentang aduk. Tambahkan tepung terigu. Aduk-aduk sambil dituangi susu. Bubuhi garam, gula,merica. Aduk hinggá rata, matang dan angkat.
3. Penyelesaian :
Ambil selembar dadar,beri satu sendok makan bahan isi.lipat seperti amplop.
Lakukan hal yang sama pada dadar berikutnya hinggá habis. Kemudian masukan dadar yang telah dilipat seperti amplop ke dalam kocokan telur dan gulingkan pada tepung roti.
Goreng dalam minyak panas sampai matang.

Hasil : Untuk 12 Buah

catatan : Sayuran sayuran seperti wortel dan kentang dapat diganti dengan
jagung manis dan kacang polong (bila suka)

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Apa ada dengan semalam...

Semalam, tiramisu ku tak jadi...huhuhu(rasa ade rupa tak de). Semalam juga aku masak mee rebus, resepi from my dearie mak. Ntah la aku rasa macam ade yg tak kena dengan mee rebus tu, tak sama macam yg mak buat...hehhehe tak tau salah kat mana. Semalam juga aku tak leh nak load gambaq ke blog...sakit hati tulll, so ptg aku keluaq tgk zapato y bota(shoe/boot) sale tp tak de yg menarik plus harga pon tak menarik...hampehhh. Maka tak de apa yg menarik semalam...:)

Buin Zoo the Buin Zoo.
My little Poney...
Lazy León...

Finding Nemo
Wow...I had an exciting day.

Monday, June 12, 2006


Duérmete, mi niña, Go to sleep, my girl
duérmete, mi sol, go to sleep my sun
duérmete pedazo go to sleep
de mi corazon
. piece of my heart
(taken from

Something interesting, I would like to share, just cut & paste je(malas hehehe...)
Sleep Disturbances In Children
Sleep is a mercy from the Lord of the World. Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning):
{And have made the night as a covering}[al-Naba’ 78:10]
(i.e., as a covering for you. Hence the scholars agreed that sleeping at night is very important for physical health.)
During the first years of life, a child sleeps approximately 22 hours a day, but he wakes up from time to time because he is hungry or sick or thirsty, or for some other need.
The hours of sleep are reduced until the child sleeps for 10 hours when he is six years old, and eight hours when he reaches his teens.
The child has to sleep for this number of hours so that he will grow up healthy and free from nervous tension.
Mistakes that we make:
1. Delaying the child’s sleep causes nervous tension, especially when he has to be woken up to go to school and he has not had enough sleep. This can lead to him not being able to focus in the classroon or even falling asleep in class.
2. Some families have a strict bedtime which is never changed for any reason whatsoever. The child has to sleep at eight o’clock no matter what the circumstances. This is a mistake because if the child is having fun playing, then he is forced to go to sleep, this is a kind of abuse and a lack of respect for his personality. If the child goes to sleep tense, this will be reflected in his sleep, and he will have nightmares and will not be relaxed in his sleep.
3. Some fathers wake their child up to play with him or because they have bought a new toy for him, especially when the father has been at work all day and this is the only opportunity he has. But this is a mistake, because you are interrupting your child’s sleep and it will be difficult for him to relax and go to back to sleep.
4. Some parents use scare tactics to make their children go to sleep. This is the worst mistake that parents can make.
5. Some mothers tell their children frightening stories which may scare them. This has negative effects on the child’s sleep, in the form of nightmares which disturb his sleep.
6. Some families encourage their children to drink liquids such as juice or water, etc., especially just before bedtime. This leads to the bedwetting which most families complain of.
7. Closing the door on the child when he goes to sleep and it is very dark cultivates a fear of the dark in the child; it also makes him restless and unable to sleep well.(i selalu buat nie sebab nak bg die tido, make sure bilik gelap kalau dak sure dok melompat atas katil)
8. Not making the child get used to sleeping alone from an early age. Some families allow the child to sleep with the parents or the mother until the age of six. This is a serious mistake, because it makes the child grow up dependent on others and restless.( daughter still sleep with us on the same bed mmg mistake tak ajar die tido asing dr awal)
Hence we advise parents to get their children used to sleeping alone from an early age, from the first year, so that they will be used to that.
Finally: we note that many of the problems which children are suffering from, such as bedwetting, fear of the dark, screaming in their sleep (“night terrors”), falling asleep in school, not being able to concentrate or not going to school at all… are all caused by disturbed sleep and restlessness

Menu Hari Ni...

Chapati dgn sambal sardin, menu aku hari nie... Bila buat chapati nie, teringat lak kat maid aku di lagos dulu. Dia pandai buat chapati lembut siap dgn kari ayam lagi. Kat sini kena la aku buat sendiri sebab maid aku ler ni tak pandai. Masakan kita die mmg tak makan, tak macam maid aku yg dulu tu semua benda die lantak(tgk badan dia ler...ahaks).

The Andes

Trip to Mendoza Argentina in end of winter last year. The snowy mountain tu chile side, yg kering tu Argentina side. Enjoy the beautiful Andes photos.

Laguna Del Inca, lake which located 2880 m above sea level.

Nasi Lemak Buah Bidara

Nasi Lemak Buah Bidara
Sayang Selasih hamba lurutkan
Buang emak buang sedara
Kerana kasih hamba turutkan

Pantun diatas tiada kena mengena dgn aku. Nasi Lemak kat sebelah nie ade kena mengena sebab nie la lunch aku on sunday. Dah lama tak makan nasi lemak, so aku masak la nasi lemak version aku...dgn sambal udang + ikan dan asparagus goreng dgn ayam. Ulamnyer lechuga(lettuce) saja, timun tak de. Aku malas nak keluar gie beli...sejukkkkk.... dah nak masuk winter kat sini.

Mini pizza ku, nie plak experiment aku buat roti, dpt resepi dari mamafami's fotopages (thanks mama yg byk share recipe dlm fotopages u). Buat pertama kalinyer roti aku menjadi....yip..yip..yip...hooorayyy....

Friday, June 09, 2006

My Valentine

Adeena Safia, my valentine, die la buah hati and penghibur aku..... Nie waktu dia celebrate her 1st birthday on 14 Feb 2006. Just simple slice cake i bought for her sebab tak de org nak makan lepas tu. She was so excited tgk candle sampai pegang api nasib baikkkk tak de apa2.


Akhirnya, wujud gak la blog nih atas usaha & semangat kawanku si luke ittiew. Harapkan aku tak tau bila nak buat. Selama nih dok baca blog orang je, now it's time for me to share my experience, experiment, excitement & bla...bla...bla... It will be more pics than words dlm blog nih so tak bosan sangat tgk blog nih. Thank you luke for your hard work....muah :)